Genesis ch.1
So from about a lifetime of Bible school I assumed I completely understood the creation story. If this is something I am suppose to believe in completely without a doubt then how in the world did I not notice that there were two different stories by two different authors. I never knew that in chapter one God created man, "male and female He created them." How is it that in all my Sunday school classes and Wednesday youth groups did they not discuss this. Its seems a pretty important thing to forget.
I always loved this Poem by Aemilia Lanyer on Eves apology. So I decided to add it.
Now Pontius Pilate is to judge the Cause
Of faultlesse Jesus, who before him stands;
Who neither hath offended Prince, nor Lawes,
Although he now be brought in woefull bands:
O noble Governour, make thou yet a pause,
Doe not in innocent blood imbrue thy hands;
But heare the words of thy most worthy wife,
Who sends to thee, to beg her Saviours life.
Let barb'rous crueltie farre depart from thee,
And in true Justice take afflictions part;
Open thine eies, that thou the truth mai'st see,
Doe not the thing that goes against thy heart,
Condemne not him that must thy Saviour be;
But view his holy Life, his good desert.
Let not us Women glory in Mens fall,
Who had power given to over-rule us all.
'Till now your indiscretion sets us free,
And makes our former fault much lesse appeare;
Our Mother Eve, who tasted of the Tree,
Giving to Adam what shee held most deare,
Was simply good, and had no powre to see,
The after-comming harme did not appeare:
The subtile Serpent that our Sex betraide,
Before our fall so sure a plot had laide.
That undiscerning Ignorance perceav'd
No guile, or craft that was by him intended;
For had she knowne, of what we were bereav'd,
To his request she had not condiscended.
But she (poore soule) by cunning was deceav'd,
No hurt therein her harmelesse Heart intended:
For she alleadg'd Gods word, which he denies,
That they should die, but even as Gods, be wise.
But surely Adam can not be excusde,
Her fault though great, yet hee was most too blame;
What Weaknesse offerd, Strength might have refusde,
Being Lord of all, the greater was his shame:
Although the Serpents craft had her abusde,
Gods holy word ought all his actions frame,
For he was Lord and King of all the earth,
Before poore Eve had either life or breath.
Genesis ch. 9
Ok so I read the story of Noah and the arc and the animals coming two by two but what in the world is with Noah getting drunk and cursing his son and his servants to be weaker then his older brothers. Uh that is definitily not the kinda Noah I remember learning about.
I'm not going to lie reading the genealogy of Noah was not fun.
The Tower of Babel!
This was amost my favorite story in the Bible! I loved it again!
Sodam and Gomorrah
For some reason this also was one of my favorite stories. I loved how God was willing to spare the entire city of wicked people for only a handful of rightious ones. I definitily dont remember about the two angels coming to Lot and him offering up his virgin daughters to a mob full of angry gay rapists. That seems a little messed up. I do remember him and his daughters going into the mountains and his daughters getting him drunk to seduce him in order to continue the family heritage. I always thought his daughters were crazy for doing this but I can maybe see why they would assume they had to do this but I dont think that I ever could.
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